Thursday, October 28, 2004

iPod and iTunes Hacks: Got my copy!

iPod and iTunes HacksI just received my copy of iPod and iTunes Hacks via UPS this morning. Congrats to Hadley Stern for the hard work! The book looks great. For those of you eager to flip directly to the hacks written by yours truly as soon as you receive your copy, here's the breakdown:

Hack #21: p.93 Craft an iPod Case from Cardboard

Hack #22: p.103 Repurpose a Dead iPod

Hack #36: p.145 Play Games on Your iPod

Hack #37: p.147 Write an iPod Adventure Game

Hack #38: p.151 Convert Text Files into iPod Books

Hack #39: p.154 Write Your Own iPod Book

Hack #53: p.220 Import Lyrics into iTunes and iPod

Hack #57: p.238 Clutter Your Desktop with Music

The book is filled with a nice balance of need-to-know, useful, and plain old fun hacks. 100 hacks totaling 417 pages of cross-platform hackable goodness. Check it out.

*x-posted everywhere...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Apple - iPod Photo

Hot diggety! Apple has released the iPod Photo. Photos on your iPod's new color screen, or on your TV with the video out port--in slideshow format with backing music from the iPod, natch! The simple-is-best highlight? The new iTunes 4.7 sends your album art to the iPod, so you can see the album cover of the song you're listening to, automatically. Cool!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

A Month Off...

Just wanted to apologize to everyone for not posting much recently. I'm getting married in less than a month and much of the time that I would normally spend on this blog is being eaten up by details involved with preparing to join my life with the life of another. In any case, rather than continuing the paltry performance I have produced here of late, I've decided to take a month off from 3650 and from my iPod blog. You may still see a post trickle out from time to time on Sample the Web, and I will continue writing my weekly article for AppleMatters.

Sorry for the drop off. I'll be back in the blogging-saddle in a month. Until then...

Hopefully, some of the other so-called contributers will take up some of the slack... *hint hint*

Thursday, October 07, 2004

94.1 FM

94.1 FM has been my iTrip station of choice for blaring my iPod tunes through my car's stereo during the daily commute. There seems to be a slight bit of interference very close to work, so I might be switching channels soon. For the most part, however, it's a really good connection and the iTrip is the first radio transmitter for the iPod that I've used and had work consistently well. Not needing a battery of its own is a huge plus.

I would like if—like the iPod dock's line out—the iTrip connected through the data port at the bottom of the iPod, so the line would be level and I wouldn't have to continually adjust the iPod's volume in addition to the stereo's volume for every new song. If anyone at Griffin designing the iTrip 2.0 reads this site, please implement this change, make iTrip 2.0 some sort of dangling dongle that can attach at the bottom of the iPod without forcing me to take my iPod out of its case, and see me a free one for being such a smart guy. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Windoze Desktop Portability via the iPod

Engadget reports on Migo, which offers the ability to take your Windows desktop with you on your iPod.

begin gloat// Being a Mac user, I've had the ability to boot from my iPod for some time or to simply sync my Home folder between multiple computers using the iPod. //end gloat