Monday, January 24, 2005

Autofill from iPod

The big thing that the iPod Shuffle is missing is the ability to Autofill from a mounted regular iPod. Since I only have about 2 GB of music on my computer, and around 32GBs of music on my iPod, the selection is limited. Being able to Autofill from my iPod would be a great way of adding value to the iPod Shuffle, marketing it as a smaller sidekick for your regular iPod. I don't see the downside to this option for Apple, as you'd still have all the regular DRM in effect and the inability to pull the songs back to a computer for unlawful tinkering and spreading of music. You could even "pair" a particular iPod Shuffle to a particular iPod.

Dear Apple / Steve Jobs.

Please enable Autofill from iPod as an option in iTunes for the iPod Shuffle.

C.K. Sample, III

*x-posted to Sample the Web