Thursday, February 03, 2005

A Look Inside the iPod Shuffle

This week's AppleMatters article, A Look Inside the iPod Shuffle, is up and ready for reading over at AppleMatters:

I realize that we've already shown a dissection of the iPod Shuffle here at AppleMatters, but what I haven't seen is a look inside the iPod Shuffle's file structure. Let's do it.

At the end of the article, I note:

This is also the same type of procedure you would use for fishing songs off of your regular iPod / iPod mini. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to figure out how to write a script that will use these commands to auto-fill my iPod Shuffle from my regular iPod...

I'm serious about this. My scripting skills are at the level where I know how to run basic copy commands to automate the transfer of songs from my iPod to my iPod Shuffle. What I don't know how to do is to run a random search that also determines how many songs can be taken from point a and shoved into point b. If anybody has any ideas, please let me know. Also, if you are a most industrious coder than me, please feel free to take this idea and make it yourself. Just send me a copy when it is done. Thanks!

*x-posted on Sample the Web.